
Exhibitions & Application Seminars


  • Buchi NIR 近紅外光分析軟體 NIRCal 演練說明會--泰國曼谷

    BUCHI offers free of charge for workshop fee to the first 10 people who send us back the attached invitation letter

    This course will introduce features of the NIRCal software for different levels of users including fully automatic calibration with Calibration Wizard. Simplified manual calibration with NIRCal Toolbox, and the detailed manual calibration with
    NIRCal are addressed. An overview of the software including data management, chemometric methods, pre-processing and graphic display will be provided.
    The interactive visualisation of NIR data, model insight and the special concepts and features of the software will also be demonstrated. Lastly, you will learn how to handle different NIR data sets for both quantitative and qualitative analyses.

    會議名稱:The 14th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy
    會議地點:Amari Watergate Hotel, Bangkok
    時間:1.00 - 4.00 pm
    Room: A@7, 7th Floor
    聯絡人: Nutsima Schnell (schnell.n@buchi.com)


  • NIR 近紅外光光譜儀產品研討會---台北

    由於國際藥典規範潮流下,政府積極推動製藥業原物料檢測使用快速、非破壞性的NIR近紅外光光譜儀做定性及定量分析,而引起熱烈關注。上泰儀器與瑞士原廠Buchi於10月5日舉辦NIR產品研討會。會中邀請Buchi瑞士原廠專家Dr. Oliver Mandal前來演講,詳細介紹NIR科技的成效以及在世界各國一流藥廠使用的情形。